Monday, February 8, 2010

Black Hole #1 - Charles Burns

Unfortunately for you, my discovery of the Toronto Public Library has reduced the amount of underground comic searching I do online. Especially since the TPL has a pretty expansive "Adult Graphic Novel" section which has introduced me to a lot of new shits. Especially Drawn & Quarterly which I was barely aware of beforehand! Also, in the past month I've been mostly reading a lot of books with only words; that is weird for me. I think the only comic I've read in the past week was the first graphic novel of Batman: Knightfall (Broken Bat), also from the library lulz. Anyway, I figured I'd post something I bought a bunch of months ago that I recently realized I had on my computron. It's Charles Burn's Black Hole. I'd again, recommend picking this up in tangible form. Here's the first issue, but if you are desperate for the rest feel free to comment and I will upload the rest.

Black Hole #1 - Charles Burns

Seriously though, it's worth the $25.


  1. oh this is incredible, I suppose you could say I am desperate for the rest

